

Love English 2 2022-12-23

Who are you?” the monster asked the monkey. “What are you doing here?”

“I am Sun Wukong, king of the Fruit and Flower Mountain,” said the monkey.

“I’m helping the Tang Monk reach the Western Paradise. Five hundred years ago, I caused a lot of trouble in Heaven. Now I’m here to cause a lot of trouble for you!”

“I remember you,” said the monster.

Wukong pulled out his iron bar and swung it. Poof! The monster vanished. Wukong leaped into the air. He looked in every direction but didn’t see the monster anywhere.

“That monster said he remembered me,” thought Wukong. “He must be from Heaven. I’ll go up there now to see if any spirits are missing.”

Wukong soared higher and higher until he reached the southern gate of Heaven.

“Greetings, Wukong,” said the guard.

“There’s a monster on Earth causing trouble for the Tang Monk,” said Wukong. “I think the monster is a spirit who escaped from Heaven. Is anyone missing?”

The guard sent a messenger to check. A moment later the messenger returned. A god was with him.

"You found the Wood Wolf Star," said the god.

“Who?” asked Wukong.

“The Wood Wolf Star is a wolf spirit who lives in Heaven,” said the god. “He escaped 13 days ago, and I’ve been looking all over for him.”

Wukong rubbed his chin. “That makes sense,” he said. “The monster kidnapped a princess 13 years ago on Earth. Thirteen years on Earth is equal to 13 days in Heaven.”

The god nodded. “Yes. Let’s go. I’ll help you catch the Wood Wolf Star.”

Wukong returned to Earth with the god. From the sky the god called down, “Wood Wolf Star! Come up here at once!”

Wukong saw a small splash in a river below. The monster leaped out. The monster turned into a wolf and flew up to the god.

The wolf looked nervous.

“You will be punished!” said the god. He turned and led the wolf back up to Heaven.

Wukong flew to the Precious Image Kingdom and went into the palace. A big celebration was taking place. The king and queen were both hugging their daughter, Princess Hundred Flowers.

The princess saw Wukong and smiled. “Father, Mother—this is Sun Wukong. He’s the monkey spirit who rescued Sha Wujing and me earlier.”

The king and queen bowed.

“We can never thank you enough,” said the queen. “You and your friends have made us very happy.”

“It was nothing at all,” said Wukong with a laugh. “We save people from monsters and demons almost every day.” He looked around. “Where’s the Tang Monk?”

The king looked at the ground. “Didn’t your friends tell you? He is really a tiger.”

Nonsense!” said Wukong. “That monster turned him into a tiger, that’s all. Where is he?”

The king and queen led Wukong out of the hall. They went down a flight of stairs and arrived at the palace dungeon. A large tiger sat in a cage.

“Don’t worry, Master,” said Wukong. “I’ll change you back into yourself.”

Wukong recited a spell. Bright light surrounded the cage for a moment. The Tang Monk was back! Wukong grabbed the bars and twisted them apart.

“Thank you, Wukong,” cried the monk. He took the monkey’s hands in his own. “I never should have told you to leave. Will you continue the journey with us?”

Wukong smiled. “We will reach the Western Paradise together.”
1. poof [pʊf]  n.(指男同性恋者)假鸳鸯,鸡公对  int.(描述事物突然消失)嗖的一声,刺溜一下
He walked through─and vanished. Poof! Like that.
2. vanish [ˈvænɪʃ]  v.(莫名其妙地)突然消失;不复存在;消亡;绝迹
van 空 + ish 动词后缀 → 消失
词根:vac van = empty, 表示“空”(注:van有同形异源词根表“前,先”的意思,例如:vanguard,vanward,advance,vantage,advantage等)
vacuum  [ˈvækjuːm] n. 空虚;真空(vac+uum表名词)
vacuous [ˈvækjuəs] adj. 空虚的;无意义的
vacant[ˈveɪkənt]  adj. 空的;空闲的
vacate  [ˈveɪkeɪt] v. 弄空;退出(vac+ate表动作→弄空)
vacation  [veɪˈkeɪʃn] n. 假期,休假(空出来不用干活)
evacuate  [ɪˈvækjueɪt]  v. 腾空;清除;撤离(e出+vac+uate→空出去→撤空)
evacuation [ɪˌvækju'eɪʃ(ə)n]  n. 撤离,撤退
vanity [ˈvænəti] n. 空虚;虚荣心(van+ity→心里空空→虚荣心)
evanescent  [ˌevəˈnesnt] a. 消失的;转瞬即逝的(e出+van+escent开始…..的→开始空出去→消失的)
3. that makes sense [ðæt meɪks sens]  有道理;那可以理解;很有道理
You have a way of looking at the world that makes sense to others and to yourself.
4. nonsense [ˈnɑːnsens]  n.谬论;胡扯;胡言乱语;愚蠢的行为;冒失;不可接受的行为;毫无意义的话;没有意义的文章
non 不,非 + sense 意义 → 无意义〔的话〕→ 废话
The idea is an economic nonsense.
5. dungeon [ˈdʌndʒən]  n.(尤指城堡中的)地牢,土牢
I've been put in a dungeon by the evil prince George.
6. twist [twɪst]  v.使弯曲,使扭曲(成一定形状);(使)弯曲变形,扭曲变形;扭转,转动(身体部位)  n.转动;旋转;搓;捻;拧;扭动;(故事或情况的)转折,转变,突然变化;急转弯处;曲折处
词源:可能来自two, 二,st 表反复。引申词义缠绕在一起,旋转,转动等。
From: 童理民
Twist the wire to form a circle.
什么!三伏天的英语是dog days?
TED演讲 | 改变自己,只需要两年时间

